
Our art blossoms from nature's inspiration – from the vibrant hues of chilli padi to the graceful allure of an orchid. Every piece, from the first sketch to the final paint stroke, embodies our artists' dedication to capturing the true essence and scientific details of each plant. If you're curious about the creative process, enjoy these photos and videos offering a behind-the-scenes look at crafting our botanical art.

  • Tracing of Jambu tree habit in pencil by Kelly Bassett

    Detailed plant drawing made on tracing paper before painting

  • Graphite drawing of pineapple flower by Kelly Bassett

    Exploring the pineapple flower shape in graphite

  • Layering graphite to increase tonal range in a drawing by Kelly Bassett

    Layering up graphite to create depth in the drawing

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Creating veins and texture with graphite